PVRE GinZero Non-Alcoholic Strawberry Gin
The PPVRE GinZero Non-Alcoholic Strawberry Gin features all the characteristics of gin with a subtle balance between the different aromas, enhanced by strawberry flavors and a hint of raspberry. Connoisseurs or curious people will appreciate this singularity. This alcohol-free gin is light and dry with a typical citrus aroma mixed with sweet strawberry. Juniper berries, cardamom, coriander, oranges, bitter oranges, limes, cinnamon, orange blossom, violet, hibiscus, lavender and myrtle are the 12 botanical aromas woven into the Ginzero bottle of gin.
This is a favorite of the Barkeep staff... simply put it in a nice glass, add a large ice cube, and drink it on the rocks for a delicious treat. Many of the non-alcoholic spirits are delicious in a mixed cocktail, and while this Gin Zero is no different, it's equally good with just ice.
- Soft, pleasant, refreshing taste with hints of red berries, juniper, herbs and spices.
- 0% alcohol
- Vegan-friendly
- Origin: Belgium
- 700mL bottle
Barkeep General Store, located in Penticton and online, is a proud authorized stockist of PVRE non-alcoholic spirits.